A liability waiver is required before anyone can do activity! A Driver's License is needed to sign a waiver.

Participants cannot participate until a valid waiver has been signed - no exceptions!

Time to complete your order:
Laser Maze Rental - Event Information
$50.00 up to 10 children
Max 50 children

Private rental of Laser Maze Challenge game for 30 minutes.

One or two players allowed at a time. Option between two game options:

  1. Beam Buster: In order to complete your mission you must break as many lasers as possible within the one minute time limit. Every laser broken will earn you points. The higher the score, the better.
  2. In order to complete your mission you must cover all objectives and try to finish with the lowest time. A time penalty will be added for each laser that is broken.
How many people will be attending the event?